
Description pump cm

Single impeller centrifugal pump, extremely silent suitable for household, civil and industrial applications, with a very flat curve to guarantee constant pressure at the variation of the flow

Volumetric liquid ring pump with impeller stellar which gives the pump a remarkable suction capacity. Particularly suitable for liquid transfer operations (including volatile). Body risk-reducing pump with brass closure locking.

Liquid ring positive displacement pump with star impeller that gives considerable suction power to the pump. Particularly suitable for liquid transfer (including volatile liquids).

The MD model has a frontal brass cover avoiding the risk of blockage.
Liquid anillo volumétrica bomb with rodete en estrella que otorga a la bomba una notable capacidad aspirant. Particularly apropiadas en las operaciones de trasiego de  líquidos (including volátiles).


Cuerpo bomb with extremidad de latón para reducir el riesgo de bloqueo.
Pumps volumétrique à anneau liquid avec une roue en étoile qui confère à la pompe une important aspiration capacity. Particulièrement indiquée
pour les operations de transvasement de liquides (même volatiles). La fermeture du corps est en laiton, afin de réduire le risque de blocage