Features mechanical seal hj92n
- For unstepped shafts
- Single seal
- Balanced
- Independent of direction of rotation
- Encapsulated rotating spring
Advantages mechanical seal hj92n
- Especially designed for solids containing and highly viscous media
- Springs are protected from the product
- Rugged and reliable design
- No damage of the shaft by dynamically loaded O-Ring
- Universal application
- Variant for operation under vacuum available
- Variants for sterile operation available

Operating range mechanical seal hj92n
- Shaft diameter:
d1 = 18 … 100 mm (0.625″ … 4″) - Pressure:
p1*) = 0.8 abs…. 25 bar (12 abs. … 363 PSI) - Temperature:
t = -50 °C … +220 °C (-58 °F … +430 °F) - Sliding velocity: vg = 20 m/s (66 ft/s)
- Axial movement: ±0.5 mm
Materials mechanical seal hj92n
- Seal face: Carbon graphite antimony impregnated (A),
Carbon graphite resin impregnated (B) - Seat G16: Silicon carbide (Q1)
Item | Part no. to DIN 24250 | Description |
1.1 | 472/473 | Seal face |
1.2 | 485 | Drive collar |
1.3 | 412.2 | O-Ring |
1.4 | 412.1 | O-Ring |
1.5 | 477 | Spring |
1.6 | 904 | Set screw |
2 | 475 | Seat (G16) |
3 | 412.3 | O-Ring |
Recommended applications mechanical seal hj92n
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Power plant technology
- Pulp and paper industry
- Water and waste water technology
- Mining industry
- Food and beverage industry
- Sugar industry
- Dirty, abrasive and solids containing media
- Thick juice (70 … 75 % sugar content)
- Raw sludge, sewage slurries
- Raw sludge pumps
- Thick juice pumps
- Conveying and bottling of dairy products